martes, marzo 01, 2005

Weekend update

I've had a pretty uneventful couple of days. I worked over the weekend. The hours on Sunday were reduced from 9-6 to 12-6. That's nice, but I have to make up those other 2 hours by staying an extra 30 minutes on my other work days. That's not so nice.

At work, there's also a huge spider who's built a web just outside the closest window. We've named him Fred. I took a picture of him on Sunday.

I like how you can see me reflected in the glass.

Sunday after I came home, I got some takeout from a restaurant down the street and we watched the Oscars. The Oscars are not usually high on my TV viewing list, but I was curious to see Chris Rock hosting.

Yesterday Enzo and I stayed home together, although we did leave in the afternoon. We had lunch out at Wendy's, bought a chipset fan for Julian, paid the cable bill, and went to Target.

At Target, Enzo got some new shoes.

We also got some red Peeps that are Target exclusives.

Julian disassembled his computer yesterday afternoon, cleaned out all the gunk, and replaced his chipset fan. The old one wasn't working right and was causing his computer to power off indiscriminately. From his reports, it's working great and he even lowered the temperature inside his case by a couple of degrees.

Today, we're probably going to stay home. Not much planned except some laundry.