miércoles, febrero 02, 2005

Not digging myself right now

This pregnancy thing sucks. I don't really mean that. I'm excited about having Baby 2 on the way, but what it's doing to my body is driving me crazy.

First is the fatigue. It's not every day, just most days. I would probably take a nap every day if I could find a nice quiet place at work. I'm going to bed between 9 and 10 on most nights, which is earlier than I went to bed as a kid. Ugh. The nights I don't go to bed at that time is only because I've fallen asleep on the futon while watching TV.

Second, the mood swings. I cry over commercials on TV. Yesterday I was telling Julian that I wanted to have lunch with him and it made me cry. There's also the anger, frustration, depression...and that's just from the last 10 minutes. I don't even know what to expect from me at the moment.

Third would be my strange relationship with food. I'm having cravings. I wanted KFC a week ago. Yesterday it was potato cakes from Arby's. Today was pasta with mozzarella cheese on it, no sauce. Tomorrow -- who knows? I'm also somewhat nauseous and my hunger level can go from starving to non-existent in less than 5 minutes. This drives Julian crazy. I'm talking about how I want x food, but then a few minutes later when he asks me if I want to go eat at the restaurant where I can get that, I'm not hungry anymore.

Last is my incredible expanding abdomen. I'm not that far along, but my pants are already getting tight. The oh-so-cute pants I got with my Christmas money now have an unsightly bulge along the zipper mid-abdomen. And what kills me is that since Christmas, I've gained maybe 2 pounds. I remember reading somewhere that on secondary pregnancies, you'll start to show earlier because of your uterus being "stretched" or something. I imagine that's what's happening to me. Fun. I guess it's a good thing I kept my maternity clothes. I know that I at least have a few pairs of black pants I can salvage and start wearing if the need arises.

Other than these things, life goes on as usual around here. Enzo is growing so fast. He sings, he "reads", he counts to 20 and says his ABCs. It seems like just yesterday that I was coming home from the hospital with a tiny little bundle who didn't do much more than eat, sleep and poop. He still does those things...and much more.

I think I'm going to lie down on the futon for a bit.


Blogger Katrina said...

Hey there..sorry you are having such a rough time right now. If it makes you feel any better, I am always tired too...and I am not even pregnant yet (at least I am pretty sure I'm not;)

Anyway, sending you big big hugs tonight! Have a great nap!

2/02/2005 06:48:00 p.m.  
Blogger carrie said...

Thanks sweetie! I know all this will pass. It's just frustrating me. And it doesn't help that all the people who've been commenting on my weight loss over the last year are now whispering about me behind my back about how I look like I'm putting on weight. I haven't been real forthcoming at work about being pregnant yet, since I haven't been to the doctor to make it "official." And besides, what do I do? Get on the PA and make an announcement? I've told the people who need to know and the ones I want to know, and if the word spreads, that's fine.

2/03/2005 04:03:00 a.m.  
Blogger JamDaddy said...

Get lots of rest and stock up on all the funny foods.

Since you can and dont have to work there forever play with those work people. Tell them it may belong to someone at the office. Really get the old rumor mill going. Then when they ask again say "oh, I thought you meant the pen I was using".

I told the ladies at the office I had not gotten lucky for months then brought in my preggo wife. Their jaws dropped. I was like "what what?". They very seriously whispered to me they thought she was pregnant. It was funny as hell.

2/03/2005 08:56:00 p.m.  
Blogger Katrina said...

Hey there, just checking in on you. I know you had to work this weekend, hope it went OK. have a great day!:)

2/06/2005 06:34:00 p.m.  

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