martes, enero 25, 2005

My audio post is lost

I had posted an audioblog post earlier today, around an hour ago. It's nowhere to be found. Hmmm. It told me that it posted successfully. Maybe it will show up later, but that's unlikely.
The highlight of the audio was seeing an old lady walking on the sidewalk with her invisible dog. Yes, the plastic collar. I was a little freaked out.

My other point was that I was coming home after dropping everyone else off at their appointed places to get into proofreading my husband's book. I'm on page 83 of 218. Hopefully I can get this finished up today. I'd like to go out for a bit this afternoon and maybe take some photos. We'll see how it goes.

I still haven't opened the book I got last week, but my husband has read most of it. He informed me that there will be a lot of words that I don't know and thinks I'm crazy for ordering a book in Spanish. It's a learning experience for me. I'm trying to learn Spanish, but it's hard when I'm not taking a class in school and my best resource (my Spanish-speaking husband) doesn't want to speak to me in Spanish.

Well, getting back to the book. Gotta finish my work before I can go play.


Blogger carrie said...

At this point, I'm not looking for "help" per se, but someone with whom I can converse. There's a lady at work that sits near me who's bilingual, but she speaks Tex-Mex, not really Spanish. She uses words I've never heard, and vice-versa. Not a real effective learning/practice tool for me, since at this point I'm concentrating on Spanish as it's spoken in Argentina.

And to be totally, brutally honest, it's the spoken language I need the most help and practice with. Written Spanish -- cool, since I can take my time reading and translate any words I may not be sure of. Spoken -- watch out. You might ask me where my dog is and I'll tell you that my feet are small. Well, it's not quite THAT bad, but it's close. I joked with Julian that I was going to get a dry erase board and hang it from my neck and ask people to write what they were saying so I could understand it. :)

1/25/2005 07:34:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Don't sweat the difference between "local" & Argentine Spanish. Just get the basics down first. If you're interested in improving your ear, just log on to one of the many BA radio stations online. 15 minutes a day at first & then more as you begin to understand... do it as you would a class. It may not be interactive, but it's pretty close. I keep up my Portuguese that way since I don't have anyone in BA I can practice with... everyone speaks Portuguese with a Brazilian accent & while nice, it ain't what I need. Besos, Robert

1/26/2005 08:29:00 a.m.  

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