lunes, enero 17, 2005

I may be posting a little less frequently

in the next few days. I have a task, and that's to complete proofreading my husband's book, so we can find some representation for the behemoth and hopefully get it published.

We had a talk last night and he wants to try to get the book published in the first half of this year so that we could use any money from that to aid in our move, either for moving expenses, or expenses after we arrive.

Julian also mentioned that he's going to email friends and family at home to get a network of people on the lookout for an apartment and jobs for us. I think at some point, after we get there, we might have his parents move in with us if they are amenable. I know he wants to do whatever he can to help them out after all they've done for us from afar. They've been more supportive of us than my family has, and they're on another continent.

I'm a little apprehensive about the move now that I've found out there's another family member on the way. I still want to move, and so does Julian, but now if we stay on schedule for the move, we'll have another person to buy a plane ticket for and also get a passport for. He mentioned moving before I have baby 2. In order for that to happen, I'll have to super-fast-forward my plans, but I suppose it's do-able.

I'll keep you posted. I'm going to try to get as much proofreading done tonight and tomorrow on my new day off. It will be an Enzo-free day, so it should be fairly productive.