domingo, mayo 16, 2004

the shiznit

I have come to the full realization that I live the most boring life on the planet. Nothing exciting here, just plain-jane, vanilla carrie.

Check this: my weekend activities, beginning with Friday night; went out for Mexican for dinner, stopped by grocery store for 2 items, came home and put kid to bed and then did some crap online. Saturday: worked until 4. Came home, got the kid and went to see my mom. Came home around 8, called and ordered Chinese food and had it delivered. Ate dinner, put kid to bed and did some crap online. Sunday: woke up, did laundry, cleaned bathrooms, played with kid, did some crap online, went to super walmart for groceries and assorted crap, came home, put up groceries and said crap, cooked dinner, ate, gave kid a bath, put kid to bed, and guess what? now I'm doing some crap online. Noticing a trend here?

This weekend was somewhat atypical, so I suppose that's a bad example, but still, when someone asks what you did over the weekend, I like to have a cool answer. You know, "Jetted to Paris for some shopping and to catch up with my old friend Jean-Michel." Not "I went to my mom's and to wal mart."