viernes, mayo 14, 2004

It's Friiiiiiidaaaaaay!!!!!!!

Made it through another week. Barely.
I didn't go to bed early last night but still got up in plenty of time this morning. Got my shower, woke my husband up, got the kiddo up and dressed. I do more before 7 am than some people do all day! I guess anyone that's a wife and/or mother has been through it all as well.

One of my issues right now is feeling like I need more "me" time. I've spent the last 2+ years either looking after our son, my husband, or a combination of the two. I need a break. I got to go out last weekend without the boys, as part of my Mother's Day gift. I met some girls for dinner and a movie. That was fun. I hadn't realized how much I was missing the social aspect of my life that doesn't include the rest of my family. We go out for dinner with other friends, but usually to a "family-friendly" establishment, since we bring along our son. That does limit where we can go, and sometimes, who's willing to go with us. Most of our friends are single and childless. In some ways I envy them for the freedom that they have, but I wouldn't trade my family for anything.

Last night was interesting. My son is teething again, he's getting his molars now and is so cranky lately it's not funny. I keep the children's ibuprofen handy and give him some when the whining becomes unbearable. Yesterday from the time we got home until after dinner, he was just unmanageable. So, we didn't have our chicken kabobs as I had planned, I just didn't have time to prepare them. So we had some fabulous Hamburger Helper Cheesy Hashbrowns and green beans. I know that's not on the SBD, but the boys both like them. I guess sometimes you gotta take one for the team. If I have to take too many more for the team, my waistline's going to show it.

Well, I'm ready to get back on the diet. I'm going to transition this next week (Sunday-Saturday) back onto more of a Phase II menu (since I already have the groceries) and then the week after that (starting 23 May) I'm going back on Phase I for 2 weeks. I may regret that date, since I'm in the wireless number portability group here at my company, and 24 May marks the day that WLNP moves from being available in only the top 100 MSAs to nationwide. But I'm doing it anyway. I think eating better will probably make me feel better and reduce my stress level. I hope so, at least.