martes, marzo 08, 2005

I am so mad at my body

When I was pregnant the first time I had PUPPPs. That acronym stands for Pruritic Urticarial Pustules and Plaques of Pregnancy. If you're still playing along, pruritic means itchy. And the itch is the worst part of this crap.

From the stats I've seen, roughly 1 in 500,000 pregnant women have this. And it's primarily in first pregnancies. The stats on women experiencing this in subsequent pregnancies drop from there. Oh, and it normally starts in the 3rd trimester.

Maybe I should start playing the lottery. I think I've got this again. If this is what I have, then this will be the second pregnancy where I've been affected by this horrible itchy rash for the whole or almost whole pregnancy.

The first time around, no one could figure out what I had. I went back and forth between my OB/GYN, my primary doc, and my dermatologist. I had a cabinet full of creams and pills and things to put in my bath. Some things worked for a while, but nothing completely got rid of the itch. It was worst at night. Under my doctor's guidance, I was taking 2-3 Benadryl every night at bedtime just to try to get some sleep. I would start itching in the night and scratch myself without realising what I was doing. I scratched parts of my body until I removed the skin -- while I was sleeping. I even tried taping gloves to my hands so I wouldn't scratch. It was bad. It was beyond bad. And I think it's back.

Here's a picture of my side that I took earlier today:

Both sides look like that as well as my lower back, my abdomen, my butt, and my upper thighs. And it itches like crazy.

I have an appointment to see my OB/GYN next Wednesday. I'm giving the rash until then to disappear. Maybe it's an allergy to something. If it's not gone when I go in, I'm asking for drastic measures. I refuse to be miserable for months again. Especially with so much that I need to get done.


Blogger Katrina said...

Ouch! That doesn't look good. I will keep my fingers crossed it is just an allergy and will go away!

3/08/2005 08:07:00 p.m.  
Blogger Katrina said...

Ouch! That doesn't look good. I will keep my fingers crossed it is just an allergy and will go away!

3/08/2005 08:07:00 p.m.  
Blogger carrie said...

Me too. Thanks for the well-wishes. It's still hanging around today, but it seems to be maybe a little better.

3/09/2005 07:27:00 a.m.  

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