martes, mayo 18, 2004

insert cute title here

sooo...I'm not doing as great at getting back on my diet this week as I had hoped. Part of the problem is that I still have groceries hanging around from the previous week when I was a non-dieter. I'm not being totally bad, just partly bad. I'm going to get back on track. I just feel bad if I don't eat this food that I bought, and some of the things are foods no one else in my family will eat. So it's up to me. Again, the issue of taking one for the team.

last night my husband and I were talking about some things -- our future, buying a house(?), all the fun stuff. In the middle of this conversation, he looks at me and tells me that if I lost some more weight and grew out my hair, that I would look like Gwyneth Paltrow. I'm still trying to figure out exactly where that came from, because I really don't see the resemblance at all. But I am flattered. Note to husband: your flattery will get you nowhere. I need jewelry.

the plans for the possible move seem to be becoming more concrete every day. I'm really excited about having the opportunity to move to a new place and start fresh. I would miss my family and my friends, being across the country from them, though. The thing I keep thinking about is that my husband already left his life behind when he married me. All of his family and friends are on another continent. He hasn't seen his parents in 5 years. If he can do it, so can I.