martes, marzo 08, 2005

Race car carts: Genius or Evil?

I don't know if they have these in other countries or not, but some stores in the US have them. It's basically a shopping cart with a plastic "race car" attached at the side where you steer. The kids sit in the race car, where they get belted in and have a steering wheel.

We have these at the Kroger where I shop, and if Enzo is with me, he insists in riding in one of these.

On one hand, it's kind of nice because he actually wants to sit down and get belted into one of these and is relatively calm and controlled through the shopping trip. On the other hand, these things are unwieldy. They're longer than a normal shopping cart and wider as well. And the steering...these don't steer like a normal cart because of the wheel placement. People who don't have kids give us dirty looks when we're driving these carts because of the above reasons. My friends who do have kids understand totally. We don't struggle through the store with these because we want to, it's to placate the kids and get our shopping done without chasing someone through the store or picking up 10,000 things that have been thrown out of the cart.

So to those of you who've given me dirty looks because I couldn't get out of your way fast enough, I apologise. Maybe I should have driven a regular cart and had Enzo in the basket so he could have beaned you with a can of soup.


Blogger shane said...

got here through random surfing, but after seeing this post, i thought you might like to read this one i put on my son's website:

3/08/2005 08:47:00 p.m.  

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