miércoles, julio 06, 2005

My badge of honour

Originally uploaded by lacarita.

I'm pseudo-official...heh. Anyone with a flickr account can make one of these at the badgemaker.

sábado, mayo 28, 2005

Baby #2

Baby #2
Originally uploaded by lacarita.

Okay, well here's a re-post of the ultrasound photo since we had some...um, server issues.

Again, not sure if it's a boy or a girl yet. Should find out later since the doc said he would try to get me in for one more ultrasound before I deliver.

martes, mayo 10, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

miércoles, marzo 23, 2005

Some photos from my mom's house

I went to my mom's house yesterday with the kiddo. I meant to post these photos yesterday, but you know how sometimes life gets in the way of the best-laid plans...

As a bit of introduction, if I haven't mentioned it before, my parents run a fruit and vegetable stand in their front yard, and during the spring they also sell plants and flowers. While we were there, they got a fresh shipment of flowers and I (as always) had my camera, so here they are...the obligatory springtime flower photos.

I'll apologise in advance...I'm not a gardener and I don't know the names of all the plants and I was too lazy to check.

Red flower

The interior of a pink trumpet flower

Pink and purple hydrangeas


Yellow flowers

A pink flower

Enzo the lion in the fern jungle

Potatoes for sale

The watertower next to mom's house

Whisky barrel planter

Interior of the gazebo roof

And that was my day yesterday.

martes, marzo 22, 2005

A load off my chest

I finally did it. I went to my mom's house and told her. Everything. Moving at the end of the year. Another baby on the way. Showed her the ultrasound.

Her reaction wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. I think that's almost always the case. You build something up for so long that you're just dreading it, and then you find yourself sitting on your mom's sofa talking about her new carpet and it just spills out. I did get the question that I was anticipating: "Can you afford this?" but I got one that I wasn't so prepared for: "Was this planned?" Where did that come from? Does it really matter?

Oh well, the thing I've been dreading for months is done and out in the open. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It remains to be seen if I get family meeting #2 called on me. Even if they try that again, I'm not going. I'm an adult and completely capable of making my own decisions. I have a husband and a son (and baby 2 on the way) and I don't need my parents and sister to try to scare me from my path. They were wrong the first time (does my child look non-white?) and they'll be wrong again unless they're planning to support me in any way they can.