domingo, marzo 13, 2005

I don't know if I'm getting better

My rash on my back and sides seems to be going away. Woo-hoo!

However, it's making its way down my body now and is primarily on my legs and abdomen. It's just as itchy as ever.

I made a stop at Walgreens on Friday to restock on my Sarna lotion as well as some Benadryl. I'm trying not to take the Benadryl unless it's unavoidable, because of the whole pregnancy thing.

It's kind of nice for the skin that felt like sandpaper a few days ago to feel like my regular soft skin again. But I'm not holding my breath. Not after my first pregnancy where I itched for months and months. I really hope this is going away, but I'm not counting on anything.

In other news, my husband and my mother-in-law decided that it's probably best for me to have Baby 2 here and then move later. So I guess we'll be back on the original plan to move in November. How maddening.

The reasons I wanted to move before the birth were a) avoid paying for a plane ticket for baby 2. I know that's kind of silly, but when you're looking at spending between $800-$1000/person for plane tickets, that's a lot of money for a tiny little person. And I know that I could reduce the cost somewhat by holding baby 2 in my lap as we fly from Arkansas to Dallas or Atlanta, but we will have to have a seat for the baby on the flight from the US to Argentina. b) avoid having to procure a US passport for baby 2. How do you get a passport photo of a newborn? I'm basically going to have to trek around with a week-old baby getting everything arranged so that the passport is ready by the time we leave.

This could be a disaster in the making, but I'm trying to stay positive.

I had to work yesterday, and I have to work today as well. Ick.

My hours on Sunday were cut a couple of weeks ago, and in order to still get paid for a full work week, my schedule is such that I work 6 hours on Sunday, and then 8.5 hours each day from Wednesday-Saturday. That in itself is not such a big deal. What kind of bites is that if I take a vacation day, I can only use 8 hours of vacation pay per day. I'm not able to use 8.5 hours. Why, I'm not sure.

This brings me to this past week. I took a vacation day Wednesday. I didn't know at the time the vacation pay issue. So I was told that I had to make up that other half hour on another day. By the time I found this out, it was already Friday and I had to have the time made up by the end of day on Saturday. So I decided I would make it up on Saturday. Bad idea. Yesterday was gorgeous here. It was sunny and warm, with a high of around 85F. And I was at work for 9 hours. Ugh. And then, in a wonderful irony, today -- which happens to be my short work day -- is only supposed to reach 55F for a high temperature. Oh well. I'll survive. Maybe Monday and Tuesday will be nice. And maybe some anonymous benefactor will decide to leave a check for me under my door. A girl's gotta dream.