martes, mayo 25, 2004

so tired...

Last night I decided I needed to go to bed earlier. So I made myself a pretty strong gin and tonic and settled in at the computer. I started feeling the buzz, really feeling the buzz, so I went to bed. My husband came with me. Our son was already in bed, sleeping. At some point in the night, the kiddo woke up. I didn't hear him, but J took care of it -- twice. Finally, the 3rd time he woke up, J woke me and told me it was my turn. It was about 1 am. He was screaming and crying inconsolably. I felt so bad for the little guy. I picked him up and brought him back to bed with us, where he proceeded to keep us awake for another hour at least. I finally got him to sleep. It must have been a funny sight in the bed last night. I got stuck in the middle and the kid took my pillow. Gotta love being the mom. But, anyway, I awoke at the appointed hour and I am dragging so bad this morning. I feel groggy and disoriented. But I'm going to work. What a trooper! :)