sábado, mayo 22, 2004

gadgety things

I just had lunch. A fabulous salad made at home. I'm getting back in the swing of the diet thing. I logged my food at FitDay and discovered that I can make my logs available for public consumption. So if you want to, you can see what I'm eating and in what quantity. This might be scary for some. Especially me. But that will definitely be a deterrent to cheating. :)

I decided I want an iPod. A pink iPod mini if you want to be precise. I already asked the business partner/spouse and was given the great answer: "how about I get you a nice, warm cup of shut the fuck up instead of the ipod?" So, the answer for now is no. I really don't need it anyway, but I'm addicted to gizmos and gadgets.

I also want a new digital camera, an upgrade from the current one. I have a feeling the answer to this will also be no, but I have more of a shot because this is actually something that I would use on an almost daily basis. I love to take pictures. I'm having trouble capturing some of the moments I would like with the current camera because of the shutter delay. I have a very active 2 year old who I try to photograph. I press the button, and by the time the picture's taken, the moment is over. I've got an odd assortment of photos that aren't quite right because of the delay -- either I've got his back, or his head's turned, or it's blurry because he took off.

I think I may have actually run out of things to say today. I am so bored that my mind is numb.