martes, enero 04, 2005

Argentine passports

Since we're planning to travel, I've been trying to get some of the basics in order. Number one item on the list: passports for everyone. Julian's is expired. Mine is expired. Enzo's never had one.

To renew Julian's we'll have to make a trip to the Argentine consulate in Houston. I also discovered that I could get an Argentine passport since I'm the spouse of an Argentine citizen. Here's where I found all the information on Argentine passports and what's required.

Does anyone know if I'd be able to just get an Argentine passport and not have to get a new US passport? If I plan to come back to the US will I need to enter with a US passport?

This is getting more complicated than I initially thought it would be.


Blogger Katrina said...

I can't answer your questions...but I do have one more for you to consider. Have you asked someone on the US side if you can hold both citizenships? The US used to be pretty picky about this, don't know the current situation. Perhaps that isn't important to you, but just something you should think about it. :)

1/04/2005 10:15:00 p.m.  
Blogger carrie said...

Yes, I can have dual citizenship if I want it. What I'm not sure of is whether I want it -- to retain my US citizenship.

I'm still researching the passport issue. Just having an Argentine passport doesn't give you citizenship, that's made clear on that web site. And I wouldn't expect that it would. But for the record, if I could travel with an Argentine passport only instead of a US one, I'd feel better, with the current world climate.

1/05/2005 04:02:00 a.m.  
Blogger carrie said...

Oh man...I was hoping not to have to get both. Oh well. So it's $60 for the US and $75 for the Argentine. So I'm looking at spending almost $350 to get everyone passported. I'm figuring 3 Argentine passports and 2 US. Plus the cost both monetary and time-wise of a trip to Houston. Bleh.

1/05/2005 09:21:00 a.m.  
Blogger carrie said...

I'm exploring my options on getting to Houston. Basically, we're either driving or flying. I think driving will be the better option, not to mention cheaper.

I checked Southwest Airlines and to get all 3 of us to and from Houston we're looking at about $500. Plus a rental car and 2 nights in a hotel.

Driving...from my house to the Argentine consulate is:
Total Est. Time: 8 hours, 41 minutes Total Est. Distance: 448.99 miles.

At least in theory, we could leave in the middle of the night, Enzo sleeps in the car and we get there around 8 am. We do our business, turn around and come home. It would be a rough trip for me since I'm the only licensed driver, but all we'd pay for is gas and food. No hotel, no airfare. I'd estimate the cost of gas to be around $60. That sounds a lot better than $500+.

It's too bad it's not in Dallas or Memphis. Either one would be much closer.

1/05/2005 09:39:00 a.m.  
Blogger Dominic said...

based on stories i hear from a friend in the foreign service, i'd say stick with the us passport and only the us passport.

1/05/2005 12:53:00 p.m.  
Blogger carrie said...

I've already sent them an email asking about the options and I've been told that since he is 1) out of Argentina, 2) needs to renew an expired passport, and 3) has had a change in marital status, that he'll need to go in person. They need to see our marriage license and said that no copies are accepted. Bleh. Looks like it's time to dig out the INS file again. I have copies and originals (even certified translations of the Spanish ones) of just about any document that 2 people can accumulate in 20+ years.

The other thing is Enzo...based on what I've been advised, he needs an Argentine passport. Still investigating. But if he does have to have one, all 3 of us have to be present at the time we make the application. Same for him getting a US passport. Trying to avoid international child abduction or something like that.

1/05/2005 05:00:00 p.m.  

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