miércoles, noviembre 24, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's officially Thanksgiving. At least in my time zone. So happy Turkey Day everyone! In about 12 hours I will be sitting down to lunch with my family and stuffing myself to the point of being uncomfortable, just as I do every year. I will also feel extremely guilty about the amount of food I eat, just as every year. I still have to prepare my portion of the meal. I'm making a green bean casserole and a sweet potato casserole that's topped with brown sugar and pecans. So that's how I will spend my morning. Entertaining the kid and cooking. I guess it could be worse: at least I'm not in charge of the turkey preparation. If I was, I'd probably order one and then pass it off as mine. Yes, I can be that lazy. I'm not ashamed to admit it.

I'm in a very strange mood tonight. I'm feeling revelatory, so take advantage.

Sex. This is a subject I've avoided until now. I don't know why. It really wasn't something that I purposely steered around, but it never seemed important to post about. It is something that is important in my personal life, but sharing it with the entire internet, eek. Having made that initial disclaimer, here goes: Last night I had what was perhaps the best sex of my life. It was a nice, slow, loving evening. The kind of sex you don't get much when you have a toddler. :) I was thinking about it all day at work. Made the day go by a little faster.

Religion. I don't know if I should really go here. I'm sure this is going to open Pandora's Box. I'm not a very religious person. I was raised in the church and basically forced to go until I was in high school. As I was growing up, I accepted everything I was taught, no questions asked. Blind faith. Until one day it hit me. It just doesn't feel right. I'm the type of person who needs proof. I want statistics, charts, graphs, any thing that can prove the hypothesis. I can't get this when it comes to religion. No one can prove (or disprove for that matter) the existence of a higher being. I've spent hours wrestling with this internally. I know that for many, religion is one of the cores of their lives. Not for me. I'm agnostic at best. I can't get into organized religion. I feel that if a higher being (God, gods, whoever) exists, the relationship between you and that being should be a personal one. I don't need to confess to a priest who will act as my intermediary. I don't need to sit in a sanctuary and be preached at with the threats of hellfire and brimstone. I'm accountable for my actions, no one else. I think that if you live a good life in harmony with nature, observing the basic rules, you should be good. That's one of the things that drew me to witchcraft (Wicca). You don't have to be part of a congregation. There's really nothing that's required of you. One of the basic tenets is one that is echoed in Christianity: Do unto others as you would have them do to you. The Law of Threefold Return: anything that you do, whether it is good or bad, will come back to you threefold. So it makes sense to do good instead of bad, because who wants three times the bad coming back on you? I told my mother about this and she's okay with it. My sister, however, thinks that I'm nuts and keeps inviting me to go to church with her. I'm not evil. I don't worship the devil or make human sacrifices. I just have a different connection to the world than she does. I wish she would be more understanding of my beliefs. I don't try to force what I believe on her, inviting her to sabbats or anything like that. I respect her beliefs and let her do what she wants to do. It comes back to individual accountability. Who's to say that one way is better than the other? No one can say for certain. I think that generally, mankind feels the need to have some type of controlling higher being. Is there one out there? I can't say.

I think it's time to move on to some lighter fare. My husband did want me to make a correction to a statement that I made in a previous comment about eating together at the table as a family, lest I give the impression that it was entirely my idea. He is an ardent supporter of eating at the table. So I apologize, Julian. And don't be afraid to comment while you're trolling my blog. :)

I'm enjoying watching our son grow up. He says some of the funniest things. For example, a couple of weeks ago, we were sitting at the table having dinner when he said that he was white and I was white, but that his daddy is brown. ??? Julian does have darker skin than either Enzo or I do, but to call him brown, uhh I don't know about that. I'm not sure where that came from.

He's also been talking about what he wants for Christmas. He wants big trucks, a dinosaur book, a hippo toy, animal videos, Toy Story, and a Toy Story toy. At least he doesn't want expensive things. I've already got the dinosaur book for him. I also bought Shrek for him. The animal videos could be a challenge. He doesn't want cartoon videos, he wants live action movies. All this came about after we were flipping channels one Sunday evening and stumbled across an episode of Nature on PBS featuring hippos and lions. He's really into animals now. He knows the name of more animals than I do. He also likes cameras and pretending that he's taking pictures. Based on these current interests, I'm forseeing a career as a photographer for National Geographic.

I've been thinking about what I want for Christmas. I could use some new clothes and shoes for work. I'd also like some new running shoes (I want Nike Air Zoom Milers). Some running socks would be nice as well. I want an iPod mini (pink). When I ask the question to Julian, he says that he doesn't want or need anything. Surely something will come up between now and Christmas, which in case you're counting, is a month from today. That's not long.

I think I've said all I needed. I know this was a little on the long side. I need to go to sleep so I can get up and get my cooking done. I'm sure Enzo won't sleep in. He doesn't understand weekends and holidays are sleeping late days yet.


Blogger carrie said...

Robert -- sorry you didn't get turkey today. I'm sure I ate enough to make up for both of us. :)

I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Like I said, I was in a kind of strange mood and felt like sharing. I definitely think that sex is an important part of a romantic relationship. It can be a deal breaker for me. I couldn't stay in an otherwise okay relationship with not-okay sex. That might sound shallow to some, but frankly, the time that you spend in bed is some of the closest most intimate time you have, and if you're not enjoying it to the fullest, then you're missing out on some of the bonding that a good experience can bring.

I've spent the last 11 years questioning the bedrock values in my life. It's not always a comfortable position to be in, but I have learned a lot about myself along the way. I think that it can be uncomfortable for many because they accept things without fully examining the issue at hand. Under closer scrutiny, the viewpoint that you have held for your entire life might not hold up.

I really feel that at this point in my life, the only reason to be involved in any type of organized religion is for a social aspect. It seems that a lot of the people around here are hypocrites. During the week, they act as they want to, doing things that might not be considered as proper 'Christian' things to do, but come Sunday, they're in their place in the pew because it's what's expected. They go to a particular church because that's where their friends or family go. I just can't go along with that. Again, it comes back to two words: personal accountability. You can't choose your religious beliefs based on what's popular or what's cool.

11/25/2004 06:19:00 p.m.  

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