viernes, noviembre 12, 2004

Am I the only one with my mind in the gutter?

Last night I was reading to my son. One of the books we were looking at is "The Little Golden Mother Goose." It belonged to me when I was young and my mom gave it to us. Anyway, I came across this entry in the book:

I Love Little Pussy

I love little pussy, her coat is so warm,
And if I don't hurt her, she'll do me no harm.
So I'll not pull her tail, nor drive her away,
But pussy and I very gently will play.
I'll sit by the fire, and give her some food,
And pussy will love me because I am good.

There's an illustration beside it of a boy playing with a cat.

As I was reading this I couldn't help but think about the innuendo, intentional or not.


Blogger Katrina said...

I have the same problem reading my friends' kids when this word comes up. As a child, I never made these connections, but now....LOL. My question is this, did the writers have this double entendre in mind? Or did the word only mean "cat" at the time it was written? It would be interesting to find that out...

11/13/2004 07:20:00 a.m.  

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