domingo, octubre 17, 2004

Family Pet?

My husband and I have discussed getting a family pet now that Enzo is a little older. We have 2 goldfish now, Nemo and Dorothy. We've been talking about getting a larger, non-aquatic pet. He wants a cat again, but I would rather have a dog. I think I was allergic to our last cat. The only problem with a dog is that we live in an apartment, so someone would have to walk the dog and that someone would more than likely be me. I wouldn't mind the actual dog-walking itself, but being roused out of bed on a cold morning earlier than usual to take the dog out definitely puts a damper on things.

So I'm now considering a guinea pig. Enzo would be able to hold one easily, they're relatively easy to care for, and they're just so cute. I had 2 growing up. The only thing I'm concerned about would be Enzo freeing it from the cage and allowing it to escape. Still undecided.


Blogger Katrina said...

I have had many guinea pigs in my lifetime...more than your average person I would bet. :) Anyway, I vote for the guinea pig and just get one of the little balls they can run around the house in. :)

10/17/2004 10:54:00 a.m.  

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