jueves, junio 17, 2004

More stuff

I'm back at work today. Having a day off in the middle of the week has its advantages and its disadvantages. It's nice to get out and take care of errands while everyone else is at work or in school. At the same time, it's weird to work 2 days, have a day off, work 3 days, have a day off, and then start it all over again.
My department is moving next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. I got an email yesterday that next Wednesday is my scheduled move date and that I can wear jeans to work on that day. That's great, except it's my day off. So I asked one of our supervisors about this and I'm moving on Tuesday.
Yesterday was another busy day. I took my husband to work. I went from there to Wal Mart to pick up a couple of things. Then, I stopped at Starbucks for some caffeine. I went home and did a few things around the house. Then we picked my husband up and had lunch with him at Arby's. From there we went to the mall and we bought a new Zippo for my husband for Father's Day. Came home, did some more stuff around the house...went to pick up my husband after work.