lunes, junio 14, 2004

It's Monday again

Mondays come back around much too quickly. Of course, I guess it doesn't help that I only have one actual weekend day off. I have Sunday off and Wednesday off. It's kind of nice to have a day off during the week so that I can go take care of errands while most businesses are open, and the daycare is also open so I can drop off the kiddo and go solo. At the same time, it would be nice to have Saturday and Sunday off, since that's when my husband is off. As things are now, we have one day off together, Sunday, and that is also the only day that my mother and I share as an off day. She wants me to bring Enzo out to visit as much as possible, and I understand, because that's her grandchild, but still, I would like to spend a day at home with my immediate family.

I coloured my hair yesterday. It's really dark brown, almost black. I was ready for a change, and this is definitely a change from the blonde I was. My husband is loving it. I'm still at that point that I'm not accustomed to seeing me with this new hair colour and when I pass a mirror I do a double-take. That will pass with time.

My son and I went to the pool at our apartments yesterday. He loves the water. We went around 11 am, and the sun was shining full on the pool. Enzo was covered in SPF 50 sunblock, so he was good. I got a slight sunburn on my shoulders, but nothing major. It took the whole day for it to turn red, and this morning when I woke up, the redness was gone. I'm ready to get a tan. I was contemplating visiting a tanning salon, but if I can get the tan naturally and not have to pay extra, then I'd much rather do that.