sábado, junio 12, 2004

My name was on the radio

Yesterday morning I was taking my husband to work and we had the radio on. We usually listen to the Corey and Jay Show in the mornings, and one of their daily features is what they call "Missing Links." These are websites that listeners send in that are funny, informative, time-wasters, whatever. So we're driving down the road and I hear them start describing what sounds a lot like the link I sent to them a couple weeks back. And then they say my name(mispronounced, but I'm used to that)! Sometimes it's the simple things in life that are the best. Anyway, my link is on their website now, under the Missing Links for 11 June. Badger Badger - no... Badger Kerry Badger Kerry - from Carrie Marcone

You can see it for yourself at The Corey and Jay Show Website.