martes, diciembre 28, 2004

Aquarius at a glance

Symbol: the Water Bearer
Ruling Planet: Saturn / Uranus
Ruling House: Eleventh House
Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Body Parts: ankles
Keyword: FRIENDS
Date with destiny: Gemini, Libra
Run for the hills: Taurus, Scorpio
Where you glow: in a picket line
What makes you tick: philanthropy
Fitness forecast: yoga
Play date: attending a technology fair
Perfect jobs: environmentalist, computer whiz
Best accessory: a time machine
A sure thing: being original
Destination: Costa Rica
Pleasure: innovation, originality, friends
Pain: conservatism, being categorized, emotional outbursts
What's my line? Think outside the box.

I also checked out a 2005 generic Aquarius reading...seems that my plans for next fall/winter fit into the horoscope.

During fall, you may be so ready for a break, in fact, that you'll be looking longingly at your passport. The solar eclipse of the 3rd of October may put you in the mood to travel overseas -- but if you don't have to go alone, don't, and make sure you're home in time to enjoy the holidays with dear ones.

Restlessness sets in with a vengeance when autumn comes around. You're looking for an escape of some kind, and you might not feel especially choosy. Try not to go overboard completely, or you'll risk a much bigger change than you had anticipated at a time when you'd rather be making slow but steady progress. Education might be the answer to your needs, especially around the holidays.

Fall usually gives you that itchy feeling that you'd rather be somewhere else, doing something else or perhaps with someone else, and denying it only makes matters worse. Singles can soar through this season, while couples might plan a great escape together. By Thanksgiving you'll be more grounded, and ready to recognize how thankful you are. Get yourself under the mistletoe the weekend of December 23rd, and prepare for a very happy New Year.