martes, noviembre 30, 2004

I know this is a little premature...

but I found a place to live in BA. Too bad I probably can't afford it. It's not a good sign when the other properties listed have a price, and this one says 'A Consultar' by it. If you want to see my dream BA home, check it out at Sánchez Sorondo Propiedades. For those of you who'd like to see, but maybe aren't so skilled in the Spanish, from their home page, click 'Propiedades en Venta'. From there, it's the first listing -- San Martín 617. You can click the camera icon to see some photos and a full description. It's 92 square meters, about 990 square feet, so it's close to the size of my current dwelling. I really like the granite countertops and the WHITENESS of it all. I'm a sucker for minimalistic interiors.