domingo, noviembre 28, 2004

Christmas is in the air

It's less than a month until Christmas, the pinnacle of the retail year. Boy, am I glad I no longer work retail. Those mandatory 6 or 7 day work weeks certainly weren't any fun. Nor was being forced to park in an off-site lot and be shuttled to work or battling the crowds to go to the food court in the mall on a 30 minute lunch break.

Now that I have that out of my system: I've started my Christmas shopping. I'm only missing one thing for Enzo and then I'll be done for him. He's getting a 'My First Leap Pad,' a Bob the Builder book to go with it, 2 books about dinosaurs, a book about cars, a Nemo book, a Shrek DVD, some Spongebob toy boxes, and a plastic toy hippo. The hippo is the only thing I don't have. The rest of the family is getting coal. Nah, not really. I don't know yet what I'm getting for everyone else. Julian hasn't given any ideas/hints for what he wants, so that will be a challenge.

As the pictures I posted earlier indicate, our Christmas tree has been installed. Enzo has already knocked it over once. Keeping him away from it is proving to be a challenge -- more so than in the past years. It should be easier to keep him away than it was to keep our cat out of it. Prior to the new apartment and birth of Enzo, we had a grey cat named Pixel. He was full grown at the time we got our first tree, but he seemed to think that it was his personal roosting area. He would do his best to nestle in the branches, but would only succeed in bringing the tree down on top of him and anything else nearby.

Oh, one last funny tidbit: my sister's name is Beverly. We call her Bev. When talking about her to Enzo, I refer to her as Aunt Bev. Before Thanksgiving, I had been telling him about going to Aunt Bev's house and that we would get to eat and he could play with the dog, etc. Anyway, on Thanksgiving, we're loaded in the car and on the way to her house, when Enzo says from the back seat, "Yay! We're going to elephant's house!" He was mishearing Aunt Bev as elephant. Oops. We all had a good laugh about it and Bev spent time with Enzo working on saying her name correctly. I think he's got it now.