lunes, septiembre 06, 2004

Training Plan in Place for Marathon --Woo-hoo!

Okay. I signed up for the local training group for the Little Rock Marathon. I think I may be in over my head, but I'm going for it anyway. The official "training" starts on 9/27, with the week being individual runs, and then meetings on Saturday to run with the group if you choose. There's also a build up training program. I decided to start that as of today. This week's schedule is as follows:
Monday: 2 miles
Tuesday: 1.5 miles
Wednesday: 3 miles
Thursday: 1.5 miles
Friday: off
Saturday: 4 miles
Sunday: off
Total of 12 miles for the week. Not too bad, all in all. I already completed my 2 miles for today. I actually went 2.17 miles. I'd rather not talk about the time, though. I'll just say that I wasn't setting any records today.

Anyway, the training builds up week by week, 12 miles this week, 13 miles a week for the next 2. When the official training starts, it's 15 miles the first week, 16 the next 2, 18 the next 2 after that, and so on until reaching a peak of running 34 miles in the week of February 7. The race is March 6.

I feel pretty good about what I'm doing. It could be worse. I suppose I could be sitting on the couch watching TV. I'm getting exercise, fresh air, and today an added bonus: a wink from an old man on a bike. Not bad for a day's work.


Blogger JamDaddy said...

Ya gotta love a woman with a plan. You are doing so good on getting yourself in shape. 3 cheers for Carrie!

I am almost jealous, but not quite. Gotta go get another beer, cigarette, bowl of ice cream, and get to the couch before my spot gets cold.

9/07/2004 01:46:00 a.m.  
Blogger carrie said...

Have a beer and some ice cream for me. You deserve it after your basement construction project.

9/07/2004 12:25:00 p.m.  

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