sábado, septiembre 11, 2004

Attack of the ringworm!

My son has ringworm on his head. Bleh. It started about a month ago, when we picked him up from daycare and noticed a spot on his head where it was like the skin on his scalp was kind of peeled back, not really bloody. We thought that he may have had an accident on the playground or something, and so didn't think much more about it when it healed over. That area then started getting flaky, almost like a bad case of dandruff. It then spread over to the other side of his head, and the flakes were coming off, sometimes taking the hair with them. When a small bald spot began forming, I decided it was time to take him to the doctor to get this checked out. So we went, and it turns out that the crap on his head is ringworm. We have shampoo to use 2 times a week as well as an oral medication that he gets once a day for 6 weeks. Hopefully this clears it up and no one else in the family gets ringworm in the meantime.


Blogger Katrina said...

RINGWORM?? Icky...

I hadn't really thought of it, but was surprised to hear cases of worms in North America...they were a common thing when I lived in Africa, but here....icky... ahhahah:)

Are they common here?

Hope he gets better soon!:)

9/12/2004 01:49:00 p.m.  
Blogger JamDaddy said...

Let me get this right.
scalp kinda peeled back - no doctor.
skin flaking off - no doctor.
spreads to other side of head - no doctor.
takes childs hair with it - no doctor.
child going bald - finally a doctor.
So like if a leg falls off, but you can still hop is that a no doctor thing also? Must be a Democrat attitude, universal health care that helps noone. Hehehe, I am kidding you big time Momma Carrie. Kids come up with the weirdest things now days. Sometimes you have no idea what is going on with them. At one time our son Taylor hit his head at daycare like 5 days in a row and had a big purple bump for 2 weeks. The teacher cried everyday because she felt so bad, heck Taylor didn't mind. However the funny looks everyone gave us were the greatest thing in the world to laugh at.

Hope recovery is quick and everyone else is worm free!

9/12/2004 08:58:00 p.m.  

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