martes, junio 08, 2004

Steven Burns....musician?

As the mother of a toddler, I have been subjected to more of my fair share of kiddie shows. One of these being Blue's Clues. My son loves that show, so we've seen Steve and Blue too many times to count. I knew that Steve had quit the show and I'd heard all the rumours of his untimely death. After watching a tape of Blue's Clues tonight, I got curious as to what good old Steve was up to these days. I thought I had heard something about him putting out an album. So I browsed my way over to and had a look around. There is a faq, some reviews from the press, a blog, but most importantly, an audio section where you can listen to some snippets from the songs on songs for dustmites, his debut release. I took it for a test drive, and I was surprised how good it was. I know it's probably the typical can a ex-toddler show host go on to do this? In reading the reviews, I see that I'm not the only one who's digging this stuff. Way to go Steve!

footnote: I like Steve better than Joe and so does my son.