jueves, diciembre 16, 2004

Gotta love being the Mom

My son is going through this thing now -- since we got him the big boy bed and disassembled his crib -- where he wants me to lie down on the floor beside his bed when he goes to sleep. I don't mind doing this, but the problem is that generally speaking, I have a whole crapload of things that I need/want to get done after I put him to bed, and they either don't get done or they get done at around this time of the morning. Here's the deal. I put him to bed around 9. He points at the floor and says "Lie down, Mommy" in the most authoritative toddler voice he can muster. By the way, I have a pillow and a blanket there, so it's not like I'm totally roughing it. Each night, my plan is to lie there until he falls asleep. My plan hardly ever works out. I'm so tired that I usually end up falling asleep there and sleep most of the night on the floor. I wake up at around 01:00-02:00 and then have to get all my things done.

For instance, in the last hour, I took a shower and baked chocolate chip cookies. Enzo has a Christmas party at his daycare tomorrow, technically today now. I just realised this yesterday morning when I dropped him off and there were signs reminding everyone to bring a unisex gift ($5 maximum) and to bring 2 bags of candy and treats for the party. In the newsletter his teacher sent home at the beginning of the month, the party was set for the 21st, so I was planning on buying all the necessary items this weekend after both Julian and I got paid. Wrong. So today, Enzo and I went to the store after I picked him up from daycare and we purchased the gift for his daycare friend as well as some break-and-bake chocolate chip cookies that have holiday decorations on them.

I was gone for about 12 hours today. I left my house this morning at around 06:40 and got home at about 18:30. Blah.

Since the cookies are done, I think it's time for me to go back to sleep -- in my own bed this time. I still have about 2.5 hours until my alarm goes off. At least this is Friday for me.