martes, agosto 31, 2004

Feeling guilty? Nah, not me.

It's been a couple of days since I posted. It's strange how addictive this blog has become. From something I started just for kicks, now I almost feel bad if I skip a day without posting something. I decided to spend some time away from the computer, to see if I was really a junkie. I passed my test. :)

Yesterday, I read some of The Two Towers. I'm re-reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy for kicks. I've been reading this about once a year, and I think on each reading, I pick up little nuances I missed on the previous passes.

I also went out for a run/walk. I completed 2 miles in 20 minutes. That's not too bad, considering it was more running than walking. I am registering for the Race for the Cure, which is held locally on October 9. I'm signing up with one of my coworkers so we can give each other moral support. This will be my first 5K in over 10 years, so it might as well be my first. The last race I was in, I completed in under 20 minutes. My goal for this one is simply to finish.

I've been looking at some running websites for training info and tips, and I found some interesting quotes on one.

"Look around the table. If you don't see a sucker, get up, because you're the sucker."
Amarillo Slim

"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom."
General George Patton

"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals."
Henry Ford

I found these quotes and many others at 10K Truth.


Blogger carrie said...

I just noticed that the Google ads on this page are all about ice cream. What's up with that? I post about running, about the Olympics, and it gives me ice cream.

8/31/2004 08:25:00 p.m.  
Blogger JamDaddy said...

You got ice cream? I got large sized khakis 48 - 52 and slimming pants that mold and shape you. I wanted the ice cream!

My fav qoute is: To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing! It hangs on my office wall.

8/31/2004 10:17:00 p.m.  
Blogger carrie said...

Maybe Google is in cahoots with the Republicans to sabotage my Democratic diet. :)

9/01/2004 04:00:00 p.m.  

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